MNCs, on ad binge, undermine breastfeeding, says NGO , The Hindu, NEW DELHI,Aug 1, 2013
Leading multinationals are blatantly violating the Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods
Baby food giants mislead mothers about breastfeeding: NGO , ZeeNews.India.com, Aug 1, 2013
New Delhi: Putting profit before an infant`s health, many baby food giants promote supplementary baby food
Academics express concern over conflicts of interest in South Africa
Academics across the world have been expressing growing concern over what they describe as ‘corporate capture’ of multilateral conferences, such as the recent UN Food Systems Summit, and growing corporate influence on universities, think tanks and research agendas. But a dispute between the University of Pretoria and a large group of South African health experts and academics suggests a lack of agreement about the line between academic independence and corporate interest.

Will the baby food industry get their way at Codex or will Member Sates protect breastfeeding and child health?
IBFAN, ENCA, ILCA, HKI  and partner NGOs have been attending many Codex Alimentarius meetings this Autumn. The Codex Committe on Food Labelling (CCFL) in September (finalised new Guidelines on Front of Pack Nutrition Labelling FOPNL) and the Codex Commission (CAC44) adopted the FOPNL Guidelines. The Codex Nutrition meeting (CCNFSDU) has almost finished discussing the Proposed Draft revised standard for Follow-up Formula  and the Guidelines on Ready to Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTF)