Mission and Vision
Protect, Defend, and Empower: IBFAN (International Baby Food Action Network) works globally to ensure that all babies have access to breastfeeding free from interference by the baby food industry and products that compete with breastfeeding. This is achieved through various strategies, including building alliances, protecting against misleading advertising, advocating for responsible governments, empowering communities, and monitoring and surveillance.

A world where breastfeeding is the norm, for the well-being of mothers and babies:
Every woman
- Has the information, support, and resources needed to breastfeed successfully.
- Feels confident and empowered to breastfeed her baby, free from judgement and pressure, especially commercial.
- Experiences the benefits of breastfeeding for herself and her baby.
Breastfeeding is
- Recognised as the ideal way to feed babies, both for health and development.
- Protected and promoted by governments, healthcare professionals, and society at large.
Building Alliances
IBFAN forms partnerships with various NGOs and associations that share the goal of protecting the right to breastfeed and collaborates with governments to develop and implement public policies that favour breastfeeding.
Protection Against Misleading Advertising
IBFAN investigates and exposes the deceptive practices of the baby food industry, which repeatedly and abusively misleads mothers and families through false advertising, and works towards the implementation of legislation that protects consumers from advertising campaigns that could harm breastfeeding practices.
Advocacy for Responsible Governments
IBFAN urges governments to adopt and enforce the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, monitors the enforcement of the code, and advocates for policies that protect the right to breastfeed, ensuring that the interests of children and mothers are prioritised.
Monitoring and Surveillance
IBFAN continuously monitors adherence to the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, documents and reports violations of the code, ensuring that unethical practices are exposed and corrected.
- Infants and young children everywhere to have the right to the highest attainable standard of health.
- Families, and in particular women and children, have the right to access adequate and nutritious food and sufficient and affordable water.
- Women have the right to breastfeed and to make informed decisions about infant and young child feeding.
- Women have the right to full support to breastfeed for two years or more and to exclusively breastfeed for the first six months.
- All people have the right to access quality health care services and information free of commercial influence.
- Health workers and consumers have the right to be protected from commercial influence that may distort their judgment and decisions.
- People have the right to advocate for change that protects, promotes, and supports basic health, in international solidarity.