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IBFAN – International Baby Food Action Network

Our Governence

IBFAN’s eight Regional Offices are: Africa, Afrique, Arab World, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, and Oceania. IBFAN has four Global Programme Offices: the Global Liaison Office hosted by Geneva Infant Feeding Association (GIFA), the International Code Documentation Centre (ICDC) hosted by IBFAN Penang; the Global Codex Alimentarius Programme hosted by Infact Canada and the International Campaigns Office hosted by Baby Milk Action (UK).

IBFAN’s Coordinating Council (IBCoCo) is IBFAN’s highest Governing Body. IBCoCo is composed of the eight regional coordinators, of members of their regional Boards elected by regional assemblies, and of representatives of IBFAN’s four Global Programmes. IBCoCo meets every two years to set policy and strategic priorities, plan coordinated action, and discuss administrative and financial matters. In the interim between the IBCoCo meetings, the IBFAN Global Council (G5) of elected representatives follows up on the IBCoCo decisions. G5 meets periodically by Skype and forwards minutes of meeting to IBCoCo.

IBCoCo met in Johannesburg, South Africa, in December 2016 and elected a new G5 comprising of   five representatives as follows:




Elisabeth Sterken



IBFAN North America


Barbara Nalubanga


IBFAN Africa


Marina Rea

IBFAN Brazil


JP Dadhich



Ghada Sayed

IBFAN Arab World


IBFAN’s principles for avoidance of conflicts of interest

The participating public interest NGOs bring particular value-added to the gBICS through their firm stand on the need to avoid or adequately manage conflicts of interest.The influence of the baby food industry in research, the medical profession and in policy-setting is pervasive, both through direct sponsorship and   through Public-Private for profit Partnerships (PPfpPs).  


One of the key principles   is the need to protect the public interest:
Policies and programmes on infant and young child feeding can be designed, developed and implemented in the public interest only if professionals and institutions/organizations responsible for them engage in informed decision-making. This means applying principles of transparency and putting safeguards in place that eliminate unacceptable conflicts of interest and also permit to manage appropriately those that cannot be avoided. Avoidance and/or adequate management of conflicts of interest apply equally to protection of integrity of scientific research, objectivity of professional education and quality of care/counselling/advice. We thus also analyze situations of conflicts of interest created by corporate sponsorship of conferences, meetings, workshops and call on organizers to critically reflect on sources of financing that create conflicts of interest.

IBFAN Funding Policy

In line with its 7 Principles, IBFAN does not seek or accept funds, donations, gifts or sponsorship from manufacturers or distributors (or their trusts or foundations) of infant and young child feeding and related products.   more