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IBFAN – International Baby Food Action Network

Fact Monitoring Overview Reports

The Reports

State of the Code charts  For the latest State of the Code by Country 2014, go to
Past issues of the chart are made available here, courtesy of IBFAN-ICDC.

State of the Code by Country 2011

State of the Code by Country 2009

State of the Code by Company 2009

State of the Code by Country 2006

State of the Code by Company 2004

State of the Code by Country 2004

State of the Code by Company 2001

State of the Code by Country 2001

IBFAN global monitoring reportsFor the latest Breaking the Rules, Stretching the Rules (BTR) report 2014, go to

Selected past issues of the BTR are made available here, courtesy of IBFAN-ICDC.  For BTR 2007 and 2010, go to

Breaking the Rules, Stretching the Rules 2007 & 2010

Breaking the Rules, Stretching the Rules 2004

Breaking the Rules, Stretching the Rules 2001

Breaking the Rules, Stretching the Rules 1998


Campaign for Ethical Marketing

Action sheets (in English – Baby Milk Action website)

Look What They ´re Doing – spotlight on the following countries

Alberta (2012)

Egypt II (2010)

Bolivia (2008)

Asia-Pacific (2008)

Asia-Pacific (2007)

Australia (2007)

United Arab Emirates (2005)

China (2004)

Indonesia (2004)

United Kingdom (2004)

Latin America and Caribbean (2004, Spanish 22 pages)

Egypt (2003)

Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Ghana (2002)

Look What They ´re Doing – spotlight on marketing trends

    • Labels
    • Mothers
    • The Internet
    • Hospitals & Clinics
    • The International Code, HIV and Breastfeeding

For all Look What They’re Doing reports, go to