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Ibfan Arab World

IBFAN Arab World

33 Dr.Hassan Mahmoud Street, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.


Facebook page: IBFAN Arab World &Code violations in the Arab world

The Arab world consists of the Arabic-speaking states, territories and populations in North Africa, Western Asia and elsewhere. The standard definition of the Arab world comprises the 22 states and territories of the Arab League stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Arabian Sea in the east, and from the Mediterranean Sea in the north to the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean in the southeast. It has a combined population of around 400 million people, with over half under 25 years of age. Its total Area is 13,333,296 km2.                                        

IBFAN Arab World (IAW) created in 2002, IAW is the youngest regions in the IBFAN network. Its coordinating office has been hosted by IBFAN-GIFA in Geneva and now has moved to the region in Cairo, Egypt since 2013.  

Moreover, nothing would have been accomplished without the contribution of numerous volunteers in the region. These people – often civil society advocates and health care professionals – have been contributing incessantly, some for several years. They work from ad hoc offices or from their workplace. They follow and support IBFAN issues without any remuneration. Without them, there would be less pressure maintained on national governments for implementation of international policy recommendations, and lesser capacity for national action. Thanks to their efforts, IAW is now much more visible in the region – and it would certainly do better still, if more resources were made available.    

The IBFAN Arab World region includes more than 50 grass root groups and individuals in  15 Arab-speaking countries(  Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt,Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,  Libya Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,Syria ,United Arab Emirates and Yemen)”.   Some of   IAW’s members are employed by Government ministries where their position and influence greatly benefits IBFAN’s work: at national as well as at international level. For example, during the World Health Assembly (WHA) their contribution to the adoption of new resolutions has been important in recent years.    

Among DAC list of ODA recipients:

·                 Least Developed Countries: Yemen.

·                 Lower Middle Income Countries and Territories: Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Syria,West Bank and Gaza strip.  

·                 Upper Middle Income Countries and Territories: Algeria, Jordan,Lebanon and Libya

Amongst the challenges that the region continues to meet:   the serious difficulties caused by the unstable political situation.   This has led to emergency situations in the past – unfortunately we cannot bar them from the future. Moreover, it has become particularly important that we ensure our long-term viability by receiving more funds from a wider scope of donors.